OCC AGM 2020 – main outcomes

27 Feb. 2020, The Old Bookbinder’s, Jericho
Current members=21
Current Club balance=£847.75 
Sobell House to be paid for 2020 towards the end of the year.
Other club assets are the kit stocks, value= £1,382


The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed new and old members alike. 2019 was a years of many highs and some unfortunate challenges. The Club held a number of successful trips including Wales and Vercors, France in September; more trips such as these are planned for 2020. In particular, a group trip to Denia / Calp (Spain) is being investigated for early October by Mike Lowndes.  Other highlights included the various social events including the excellent Christmas party, curry night, burger rides and the Chairman’s breakfast.

The additional Medium group ride during the Spring / Summer months was well attended and valued by members. We all agree we would like this to become a regular option for all riders. During the Winter, the shorter distances and more balanced ride speeds enabled us to have successful rides. Unfortunately, we also experienced a number of accidents in 2019 and the Club takes every opportunity to learn from these incidents to prevent them happening again, whatever the reasons. Rider safety continues to be our number one priority as a Club. 

Safely lessons learned

  • Space blankets will be supplied for ride leaders to carry on all rides
  • All riders will be asked to carry a rain jacket when it’s cold in case we have to stop, to help avoid losing body heat
  • Major mechanicals don’t need to keep entire group waiting 
  • Watch out for inappropriately dressed new riders – if conditions are poor they shouldn’t come out 
  • All riders will be asked to install the What Three Words app on their phones
  • Don’t say you have a doctor present if calling an ambulance – it may take longer 
  • In spring and autumn check LED lights regularly for brightness
  • Use of Gas canisters – use with gloves and keep well away from other riders
  • Check for chain stretching and other wear and tear regularly. Regular chain replacement is the best way to avoid chainset failure on a ride
  • Attach mudguards for rides in wet conditions or following overnight rain. Rear mudguards at a minimum, long enough to protect the following rider.
  • Encourage members with cameras; Go-Pros etc to use them on club rides
  • Members should carry a small number of painkillers with them, namely Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

Group riding – things to note

  • Respect the ride leader’s decisions
  • Address the ride leader if you have an issue 
  • If in doubt, the ride leader should stop the group, rather than discuss on the move
  • Be loud, assertive, not aggressive, no shouting
  • Keep relaxed and point
  • Don’t be a slave to the route – be flexible if conditions change
  • Keep Winter rides to sensible distances depending on the conditions (80km to 95km max)
  • At junctions, keep pairs formation and regroup after the turn
  • Move off from any stops as one group
  • Clear noses away from the group and signal to riders behind them that they are about to move out

Medium Ride

It was noted that the only members to lapse in 2020 self identify as ‘medium’ riders. There was a positive consensus to continue to develop a medium ride. Ride leaders and others committed to ensuring there will be a medium ride over the spring/summer months, sharing the responsibility as wide as possible within the club.
Members other than ride leaders encouraged to commit to helping develop the medium group by taking turns to ride with this group occasionally. Use of the Roster (see below) proposed to help co-ordinate this.

Club Kit

DN reported that Castelli Custom are no longer providing their 4.1 jersey. The only jersey that accommodates the sleeve design of the OCC jersey is their Squadra FZ jersey, which is based on the jersey worn in training by Team Ineos.  DN provided a sample and general concesus was that it was an adequate alternative.  Purchase price for members would be c.£65-£70 depending on order number.

DN proposed a one-off special edition version of the SUMMER club kit, replacing the ‘Ubyk red’ sections with white. Otherwise the design would not change, but complement the original version. Short discussion on this with some members in favour and said they would purchase, others suggesting that the original version looked so good on the road, especially when majority are wearing it.  DN to look at costs and investigate further in time for mid-March order for summer kit. 

Club Size

There is no ambition to become a ‘big’ club – a membership goal of 30-40 appears ideal, supporting regular medium and m/f rides.

All Club members committed to help recruit new members. A recruitment poster will be circulated in March which members are encouraged to share with HR / Communications teams at work to help promote the Club. We will continue to promote Club rides via FB, particularly during April / May.

British Cycling Membership

The need to be a member of British Cycling was raised and discussed. All members recognise the need to have appropriate rider insurance. Given the recent experience of some members, the Committee agreed to review the insurance offered by BC between Club riders.
Action – Committee to review BC insurance during 2020 in preparation for 2021

Changes to Committee Roles

Treasurer – It was proposed that Dave Nash will take over as Treasurer from Danny Wright. With no objections raised, this was approved by the members. The Club would like to thank Danny for his careful management of the Club finances.
Ride leader coordination – It was proposed Mike Lowndes will take over posting weekly rides to the website and FB. It was also proposed that Paul Honeybone will manage a new ride leader Roster (via google docs or equivalent) to ascertain who is available to lead well in advance. With no objections raised, this was approved by the members.

Committee for 2020
One oversight during the meeting was not formally voting in the committee for 2020 as stated in our constitution. Volunteers were requested before the AGM (none came forward) and one formal change to the committee was proposed (with no objections raised). For completeness, memberswill  vote regarding the committee via a WhatsApp group, week commencing 2nd March.

With no other points raised, the AGM was closed. 

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