Membership card

In addition to proving your OCC membership and accessing the benefits and discounts available to you as an OCC member, the OCC ID card is also a great way of having emergency, medical or contact information immediately to hand should the unexpected or unwanted happen.

As a club, OCC wants to ensure that in the event of an accident,  first responders have immediate access to your medical information and history.  We also want your co-riders and/or the emergency services to be able to get a message to family members or friends.

We have worked with the team at OneLife iD to produce a Membership Card in OCC colours, which not only identifies you as an OCC member, but in the event of an accident, allows first responders to gain access to whatever information you think they need, including medical history, insurance details, next of kin or emergency contacts. In fact, you can upload anything you want to, including insurance details and photos.

As a member of OCC, you will be provided with a credit card sized Membership card, which can fit easily into wallet, purse or phone case, similar to the one pictured below.

How to obtain your Oxford CC Membership Card

Once your membership has been approved and you have paid your annual subscription, you will be sent a personal OCC OneLife iD voucher code, with instructions on how to obtain the card and create your personal  online profile. Your card will be sent directly to your address.