- Feedback
General feeling from members that the club does safety and ride discipline very well, and is a differentiating attribute.
2. Safety – reaffirming our commitment as ride leaders.
- Communicate with clear intentions
- Always point out pot holes unless it’s unsafe to take your hands off the handlebars and if so, shout.
- Defer to ride leader if you are unsure whether to single out, or not – ride big but ride safe – ride singled out up steeper hills.
- Always thank drivers who have waited patiently behind us before passing.
- At junctions, always stop; if on the rear, accelerate away quickly to tighten up; for those on the front accelerate gradually to allow everyone to get on.
- Ride as a cohesive group, only splitting on long ascents and descents according to ability / effort. Showboating discouraged.
3. Establishing an OCC Medium ride
Targeting cyclists who want to ride regularly, have reasonable fitness, and perhaps haven’t tried cycling in a group before.
Establish from Saturday March 23, 2019. – approx. 2km/h below MF ride.
- Update the website
- Promote via FB
- Flyer in Oxford bike shops
- Approach NHS + Sobell newsletter
Route will follow the current single ride, without compromising quality for existing members; aiming to finish no more than 15 – 30 mins after the Medium Fast ride so we can all meet-up post-ride as a club.
Targeting potential female riders – promoting women’s contact on FB / Website
Ride leaders – poll to determine who is available / definitely not available for both M / MF rides.
4. UK Day ride
Saturday 18th May agreed for a club day ride in the West Cotswolds
5. Club overseas trip: 12th – 16th September
Webby to confirm booking details with Velo Vercors and circulate to the Club – expecting 6 – 8 riders. The benefit to booking earlier is the cost of the air ticket.